The Miraculous Benefits of Activated Carbon for Water Purification

Activated carbon filters are a great way to remove many contaminants from water, including chemicals, gases, and physical impurities. According to NSF International and the Environmental Protection Agency (USA), these filters can eliminate up to 80 chemicals from water and reduce 30 more. A granular activated carbon (GAC) filter is a reliable option for eliminating certain organic chemicals, as well as unpleasant odors or flavors such as hydrogen sulfide (the smell of rotten eggs) or chlorine. Carbon block filters, on the other hand, have a pore size ranging from 0.5 microns to 10 microns and are more proficient in trapping (adsorbing) the chemical in the GAC.

It is essential to note that activated carbon filters should be used with cold water for maximum effectiveness. Excessive heat is also prohibited, as it can damage the filter material. In addition, activated carbon filters can also remove microbiological contaminants from drinking water, including waterborne pathogens. The frequency of changing your activated carbon filter depends on several factors, such as the quality of the filter, its surface area, the density of contaminants in your tap water, and your daily water consumption. An example is a unit located under the sink; the water passes through the carbon filter and goes to a separate water faucet, next to the main faucet. Activated carbon is an extraordinary material and technology for filtering water and solves many problems.

Its immense surface area makes it highly useful for a wide range of applications, but activated carbon can undergo additional chemical treatment to increase its adsorption properties. In conclusion, activated carbon filters are incredibly porous and effective at adsorbing (removing) contaminants from water. However, once the entire surface of an activated carbon filter is covered, there is no space left for adsorption to occur.