What is the Difference Between Activated Carbon Filter and Carbon Block Filter?

Granular Activated Carbon Block Filters (ACBF) and Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) are both used to filter out flavors, odors, and contaminants from water. ACBFs are created by holding ground carbon together without squeezing it inside a cartridge or other container, while carbon block filters are made by grinding activated carbon into a fine powder. This creates a larger surface area for adsorption, which is an important factor in removing contaminants. GAC filters are cheaper and simpler to manufacture, while carbon blocks are more compact and can capture even the smallest particles.

Both types of filters have their own advantages and can be used in combination with other filtration technologies. The Pressure Independent Design (PID) of carbon block filters provides greater filter utilization and cost control, while also making sure that the filter remains within its design limits. This smaller format allows manufacturers to produce high-performance water filters in much smaller and more diverse product designs. Capacity is usually specified by the number of gallons or liters of water filtered before the filter needs to be replaced. Due to its static composition, the carbon block produces a minimum amount of carbon fines at the start, which minimizes the need to backwash or rinse them. Water filters with carbon blocks compare favorably with other technologies and are often used in conjunction with them.